Predictables de Dor Tal, proyectores que leen el futuro en tu mano

Y no sólo en la mano. También lo hacen en cualquier superficie plana. Sea a través de una pulsera o de una pequeña lámpara proyectora, esta propuesta del diseñador israelí Dor Tal predice lo que le va a pasar al usuario gracias a un algoritmo que busca unos patrones de acuerdo al torrente de información que le proporcionan las redes sociales en las que interactúa el interesado.

Entfaltung de Jule Waibel: vestidos de origami para Bershka

La diseñadora alemana Jule Waibel aprovecha las propiedades técnicas del papel para crear Entfaltung, una colección de veinticinco vestidos que se contraen y expanden ante los movimientos de su portador. Waibel propone una indumentaria que enfatiza los gestos del ser humano y que lleva a las últimas consecuencias la idea del vestido como metáfora del cuerpo.


Gillo Dorfles interviewed by Cristina Morozzi. Second part.

Cristina Morozzi: And are we seeing the same thing in product design?

Gillo Dorfles: Patricia Urquiola, for example. She’s an excellent designer, but why does
she need to add those coloured superstructures? And Philippe Starck? Why has
he even gone so far as designing garden gnomes? It’s just an exaggerated wish
to “épater le bourgeois”.

Gillo Dorfles interviewed by Cristina Morozzi. First part

Not long after the turn of the century, he still has the sense of wonder and the insatiable curiosity of a child for contemporary styles and fashions. No area of creativity is missed by his acute, far-seeing eye; no social phenomenon is not subjected to his passionate investigations; no mania or weakness escapes his wit. He frequents all the arts without distinction. He knows their history, their main directions, and how to make connections, parallels and conjunctions between them. He moves easily from the theoretical to the anecdotal.

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2011

Ayer se clausuró una nueva edición de la feria más importante en el mundo Escandinavo: Stockholm Furniture Fair. Para todos aquellos que aún no hayan hecho una visita… se la recomiendo enormemente. Para mí ya se ha convertido en un ritual que lleva cuatro años de tradición, y es siempre un soplo de aire fresco e inspiración.

Wotu Chair, the wooden tube chair

Wotu Chair is a new ecologic ultra light chair produced by Lamm and designed by Dante Bonucelli. Made entirely from natural wood originating from forest areas under strict environmental control, and thanks to new technology not yet patented, the chair is manufactured with layers of thin beech wood sheets that are glued together and folded to produce wooden tubes.

A bucket seat

Breathing chair is a light, comfortable and sustainable seat that modifies its shape according to pressure, weight and the position of the body. After use, it reshapes to its original geometry without the use of any mechanism.

Composed of two layers of latex foam with controlled variable density, it takes advantage of the elasticity and the die cut of the material, (the latter derived from the vascular cambium of a wooden stem under a microscope), to adapt to each user. 


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