
‘Cartográfica Madrid Diseña’ Exhibition

Experimenta, together with the Madrid Town Hall, has taken part in the organisation of the exhibition ‘Cartográfica Madrid Diseña. Set up by Dimad (Asociación de Diseñadores de Madrid), a local designer association, commissioned by Pierluigi Cattermole, editor of Experimenta magazine, and coordinated by María Cuevas, this exhibition is rooted in network and community concepts, and is a collective orientated tool in which over 800 people have taken part, only in this first phase.

The Cartográfica exhibit has its origin in an innovative and interactive project, with professionals of the design world themselves providing the information and material necessary to produce the cartographic sheets, diagrams and visual maps that together offer a new vision of design in Madrid. Opened on the 23rd of June, it coincided with Straight to Business: Icograda, an event organized by Madrid’s Design Week.

Producer: Stefano Nicoli
Original idea: Pierluigi Cattermole, Stefano Nicoli y Marta Tébar
Reporter: Marta Tébar

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