
Pepe Cruz Novillo in his Studio in Madrid

Experimenta tv interviews designer José María Cruz Novillo  in his studio in Madrid. The National Design Prize winner talks to Experimenta about his relationship with design, and its function within the present economic crisis.

José María Cruz Novillo (Cuenca, 1936) joined Publicidad Clarín in 1957 as a commercial artist, at which time he settled in Madrid. In 1959 he begins to collaborate as an industrial designer with SEDI (Sociedad de Estudios de Diseño Industrial), and only four years later is chosen as part of the team of artists that is to work on the Spanish Pavilion for the New York World Fair.

In 1965 he resigns as creative manager for Clarín and sets up his own studio, from which he delivers many of his most important pieces of work, including the corporate images of institutions and businesses such as, Correos, Banco Pastor, Portland Valderrivas, Urbis, Entrecanales, Tesoro Público, the coat of arms and flag of the Madrid local government, PSOE, COPE, Grupo PRISA, Diario 16, El Mundo, El Economista, Antena 3 Radio, Endesa, Construcciones y Contratas, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Red Eléctrica, Quinto Centenario del Descubrimiento de América, banknotes for the Banco de España, Renfe, La Noche en Blanco, Bicentenario de la Guerra de la Independencia, Visionlab, Fundación ONCE, Repsol-YPF, etc…, He has also designed several film posters.

Producer: Stefano Nicoli
Reporter: Gloria Inglis
Original music: Dario Lovaglio

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