Polly Becker, Found illustration

Polly Becker considers herself an illustrator even though her work springs from the emotional and semantic charge of the found object, old photography and its precise composition. Her assemblages have illustrated articles in Rolling Stone, Harpers, The New York Times and others.


Polly-01Assemblage for an article on work-related stereotypes, Polly Becker, 2001.

Óscar Mariné and Grupo Kettal, Spanish National Design Prize 2010

Designer Oscar Mariné and furniture designers GrupoKettal, have been awarded the 2010 Spanish national design prize conceded by the Spanish Science and Innovation State Department for most outstanding professional and most outstanding business respectively.

Art directioand graphic design for C International Photo Magazine, OMB, 2005-2010.

Cross-cultural design from China

China is a hotbed of graphic design. As computers transform the country’s vast calligraphic tradition, each point of reference strengthens its identity. Hong Kong’s westernising bent, Beijing’s traditionalist nature and Macao’s hybrid character exist side by side with the emerging personalities of Shanghai and Guangzhou.