My views on Fashion/13 BALLGOWNS. British Glamour Since 1950

BALLGOWNS. British Glamour Since 1950

La moda acostumbra a vender sueños. Construye burbujas herméticas de lujo. Puentes a mundos lejanos e inalcanzables. El mundo de la moda intenta personificar aquello que creemos deseado, aquello que uno idea y no consigue de ningún modo alcanzar. Ballgowns, British Glamour since 1950 responde a esta visión, a este cuento de princesas que enmascara el vestir.

Gillo Dorfles, between Art and Design

On April 16th, 2011, a sunny Saturday morning in Milan, Gillo Dorfles invited the Experimentatv team to record this interview. A long friendship and deep admiration connects Editorial Experimenta and Professor Dorfles, and over the years, Experimenta has interviewed the author and published his articles both in print and online.